Tuesday 26 May 2015

Two months later...

Well, that was a bit of a gap between posts! I'm not entirely into this blogging business, I find it hard to get motivated to share what I'm doing on a regular basis. I can't help wondering, "who cares?" But, I guess this is the way of the world now, and I shall persist. Plus, there are a few interesting things I can recount...

I have wrapped up my time in Toronto. Right as the weather was getting nice and all the interesting folk were hitting the streets, it was time for my departure. I was still able to spend some glorious sunny afternoons drinking beer in Kensington Market... And a few worthy park sessions.

I will not dwell on it, but one of the major 'features' of my months in Toronto was a strike that lasted over 4 weeks. It was the cause of much stress and a little panic, but in the end did not affect my study. One thing it did do was convince me to take a trip to Montreal. I took the train out there for a weekend, stayed with a lovely Couch Surfing host and attended a maple syrup festival, as you do! Sadly, it was bitter cold and once again I slapped myself for being in that part of the world in WINTER! I mean, what the hell was I thinking... Still, I picked up the vibes that Montreal is renowned for, came away with a pair of sweet cowboy boots and ate the best cheese for the year. Good times.

I didn't take pics of the city, but here's a couple from the train to remind you what Ontario winter looks like...

Once exams were over (literally a matter of hours afterwards), I took a bus to New York with a couple of friends. Actually we missed our bus and had to take another one, but I will skim over those details...

New York was gorgeous. Stayed with a very generous friend of a friend of a friend, who showed us the city and was more welcoming than we probably deserved.. Avoiding all things touristy, I spent my few days in the Big Apple covering as much ground as possible. Highlights of New York included; various rooftop drinks, sunny Central Park hangs and some sneaky on-sale purchases...

Central Park, obviously.

View from rooftop of our host-home.

The rad girls I went with, Sarah and Maria. And me.

Then I was off to the airport, finally to fly back West to SEATTLE!

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